Netflix Shows: Binge or Pass

Netflix Shows: Binge or Pass

Being in quarantine has left a lot of us with extra time on our hands. Of course, it is super important to try our best to be productive with our time. But, lets face it, sometimes we just want to sit back with our favorite snack and watch some Netflix. In today’s blog, I’m going to be sharing some Netflix shows with you that I have watched and let you know if I think they are worth watching. With each show, I talk a little bit about what it is about, but don’t worry there are NOT any spoilers in this post!!!

1. Outer Banks

Yes. Watch it. If you haven’t watched it already, where have you been?! Just kidding. But in all seriousness, this show blew up really fast and I think it’s worth the hype. The show follows a group of friends who live in Outer Banks. They spend most of their time partying and hanging out on the water until they make a huge discovery that could change their lives forever. This show is super super short. It’s pretty new so there is just 10 episodes and 1 season. It’s one of those shows that will keep you locked in so you will finish it pretty fast. Hopefully, a second season comes out soon because the first one does end in a cliffhanger. Another thing that I really like about this show is that it makes you think about friendship, adventure and how it is important to be outgoing and spend time with the people you care about. There are some moments that are really funny and others that are really sad. It’s a perfect mix.

2. Vampire Diaries

So, my sister was OBSESSED with this show and kept telling me that I had to watch it. I kept telling her no and after she finished it, I finally gave in. Before I give you a brief overview, I’m going to make 2 points. First, I am only on Season 3, so I have not seen the entire series. Two, there are 8 seasons of this show. Not only that, but each episode is about 45 minutes long and each season, with the exception of the last has 22 episodes. Warning: this show is pretty addicting. You’re going to want to keep going. If you start it, brace yourself because you are most likely going to want to watch the whole thing. I’m honestly pretty glad that it is 8 seasons because I am so curious about what happens and I love the show and want to keep watching! Another random note, for some reason, the very first episode is just not good, but keep watching it will get better! This show is pretty much what you would expect it to be. So far, it basically follows two vampire brothers along with a high school student named Elena. It is very dramatic, and every episode ends in a cliffhanger. My sister thinks that all of the seasons are really good, and so far I agree. I love this show and I would highly recommend.

3. Jane the Virgin

I love this show. It’s goofy, it’s random and it’s just fun to watch. This being said, there are parts that are really sad and serious, but for the most part, it is just a funny show to watch. This show is another that is pretty long. There are 5 seasons with about 22 episodes each that are all around 45 minutes long. I personally think that the first few seasons are the best ones, but I have watched the whole series and think it’s worth the watch.

4. Reign

I watched this show a couple of years ago and I honestly didn’t think I was going to like it. The fictional show’s main character is Mary, Queen of Scotts. She has an arranged marriage with Prince Francis, who she has known since she was a young child. This show describes her role as queen and also the struggles she goes trough politically and in her marriage. I LOVED the first 2 seasons. 10/10. I don’t want to spoil anything, but something happened that made me not want to watch the show anymore. So I stopped watching after the second season. That being said, the show is really good so I do think it is worth checking out, even if it is only for the first few seasons.

Stranger Things

The Stranger Things theme song is my ringtone. If that doesn’t show how much I love this show, I don’t know what does. Right now, there are 3 seasons of the show, but there is supposed to be a 4th coming out soon. Every season has a very different story line, but it is about a group of friends who live in Hawkins, Indiana who come into contact with a lot of supernatural elements. This show is heavily science fiction and keeps you on your toes. Watch it so you’re all caught up when Season 4 comes out!!!

6. The 100

I have very mixed opinions about this show and I’ll tell ya why. I have started this show at least 3 times. Every time that I watch it, I end up stopping at the same part because it gets a little bit slow. Ever time I restart the show, I tell myself that I am going to watch the whole series and I just end up stopping. There are 6 seasons of the show and I believe that I have watched up to the 4th season. This is another show that is very much science fiction. In this show, Earth is no longer inhabitable so the survivors now live in a space station called The Ark. The Ark leader decided to send 100 (thus the name…The 100), of The Arks juveniles down to Earth to see if it is safe to live once again. The first few seasons of the show are so good and really interesting. For some reason, I feel like the story gets a little bit lost in the middle. I do think that it is a good show though, especially the first few seasons and maybe at one point I will finish it through.

7. Love is Blind

I don’t have a lot of words to describe this show. I mean lets be honest. The concept of this show is pretty crazy. For those of you who don’t know, this is a reality show where contestants propose, if they meet someone, to another person without ever seeing them. I thought The Bachelor moved fast, but some people on this show proposed after a couple of days of just talking to another person. Honestly, this show isn’t really “addicting” per say but I did find it entertaining. To be honest, I laughed my way through most of it because I could not take it seriously. But, if you are looking to pass the time, go ahead and check it out.

I wanted to wrap up all this by giving you my top 3 all time favorite Netflix shows.

  1. Outer Banks. I love the characters, I love the story, I love the music, the setting. There’s not much I don’t like about this show. It is absolutely one of my all time favorites. I’ve watched it 3 times. No shame.
  2. Vampire Diaries. My sister is going to be reading this saying “I TOLD YOU SO!” But come on, you can’t blame me for not wanting to watch it at first. Another vampire show? But, truthfully, this isn’t just another vampire show. It gets better and better as it goes and it never slows down. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it’s great.
  3. Stranger Things. This show never gets old. I didn’t think that I would like it at first. The main characters are so young and I thought it was going to be childish. But, it is really good and exciting to watch. I can’t wait for the next season to come out because I am definitely a fan.

Thank you so so much for reading today’s blog! I hope you liked my recommendations and maybe even watch some of these shows! Also, if you have any show recommendations of your own, let me know in the comments. If you liked today’s blog, subscribe to get email notifications when I upload. Also, follow me on Instagram! I have been posting a lot more on there. As always, thank you for your support and stay safe!


Ashlyn 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Ty M
    May 23, 2020 / 10:09 pm

    I think you missed The Office!!!