Meals I made as a first time camper…(glamper)

Camping is an elevated form of camping, where you stay in cabin or tent such as the one pictured here.
Credit: Ashlyn M.

I went camping…kind of. I technically went glamping. Contrary to the headline of this article, I have been camping in the past, but not in my adulthood, where I was responsible for planning the meals for the weekend. 

For those who don’t know, glamping is basically a luxury version of camping. You get to sleep in a comfy bed, tucked away in some form of unique tent or tiny house.

My glamping experience was lived out in a petite cabin, and it was a perfect arrangement for the weekend.

As for food goes, as usual, I far overpacked. I’m going to share with you some super easy foods to pack and make while camping, so you don’t massively overpack like I did.



The winner for my favorite camping breakfast was burritos. These were so easy to make, and it’s a great way to use up all the breakfast foods you have left over on the last day of your trip. 

You can customize breakfast burritos to your liking, but scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese and sausage are staples for me. 

To make these, all you need to do is put your ingredients into your tortilla, wrap it up tight, and place it into a pan for just a couple minutes on each side until they are warmed up. 

You can make your eggs, bacon, sausage and heat up your burrito over the fire, or you use a griddle like this one.

On the first day of breakfast, pancakes were on the menu, which were also easy to make. 

For breakfast, pancakes and breakfast burritos are both easy options.
Credit: Ashlyn M.

Just remember to pack your cooking essentials like bowls, spoons, measuring cups, etc, so you have everything you need to put meals together. 

If you don’t want to bring things from your kitchen, you can purchase a cooking set to use specifically for camping.


For lunch, I personally wanted to make something that we didn’t need to start the fire up for, so sandwiches were perfect. 

I kept it really simple with the ingredients: Turkey, cheese, mayo, shredded lettuce and pickles on sourdough bread. 

For a little extra crunch, I like to add potato chips to my sandwich, too.


Hamburgers and hot dogs 

Simple, but a must have while camping. 

We actually ended up making these twice, because they were just so easy to make. 

Our campsite came with a grill that flipped over the fire. We ended up brought our own too, but didn’t need it. If your campsite doesn’t have one, there are plenty on Amazon that you can look through, like the one linked here. 

I would recommend getting one that is attached to a stake in the ground so you can easily adjust the height of the grill. 

If you want something super easy to make over the fire while camping, hamburgers and hot dogs are the way to go.
Credit: Ashlyn M.

For sides, chips are an easy one to pack, along with classics like macaroni and potato salad. Premade salad that you can easily throw into a bowl and mix together is another great choice. 

Corn is an excellent side to make over the fire too.

I also brought chicken with us camping, which didn’t end up being used since hamburgers and hot dogs were just so quick and easy. Even though we didn’t use it, if you want some variety, chicken is another great option. 

Of course, for dessert, don’t forget to bring everything you need for delicious s’mores made over the campfire. 

A general tip (which is very difficult, trust me I tried), is to do your best to plan out your meals in advance, and only bring the things that you need with you. It can be very easy to overpack, so decide what you want to make before you go. 

Happy camping!


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