Weekly Rewind #10: The Truth About Black Friday

Weekly Rewind #10: The Truth About Black Friday

Happy December! I can’t believe that it is already December 1st. Schools almost out and Christmas is almost here. This week, I celebrated Thanksgiving (which I talked about in the last blog. I will link it here). On Friday, I went Black Friday shopping. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like, keep reading!

This was the second year my sister and I went Black Friday shopping together. Last year, I got a decent amount of stuff on Black Friday. This year, I came out with close to nothing, except for Mario Bedescu face spray which was not on sale I just needed it. Side note, this spray is great so if you don’t have it and want it, the link is here.

Here are a few things that I noticed this year. First, not every store opens at the same time. Some open at midnight, some open at 1am and some open at 6am. That’s a little bit annoying because you have to plan out where you want to go ahead of time to make sure that the stores are open. We left at around 11:30pm and went the mall. The mall was absolutely packed and we didn’t stay for too long. One place that we really wanted to go was Bath and Body Works. They have the same deal every year which is buy 3 get 3 free. I always like checking that out but we didn’t really get much from there. All of the stores had really long lines. We also went to Macy’s because I was looking for something particular that I cannot say because it’s for my parents and they read my blog (hi mom and dad 🙂 So the mall didn’t really go well. Also, I think I bought more last year because I bought clothes and stuff for myself which I told myself I would not do this year, and I didn’t really find anything that I wanted to get for people for Christmas.

At night, we also went to Best Buy to see if they had any good sales. By the time we got there, it wasn’t too packed but we didn’t really see anything that was worth buying.

Since we didn’t have a lot of luck at night, we went back out at about 10am the next day to see if we could find anything and thought it would be a little less busy. We went to Ulta first which wasn’t busy at all. Ulta had really good sales. I got a Kylie Lip Kit for $15 which I thought was pretty good. My sister also got something at Ulta but I couldn’t tell you what it was because she wouldn’t show me. I think it’s for me. (Thanks Paige!) But, she did say it was a really good deal. So if you are into makeup, check out Ulta on Black Friday. After that, we went to Kohls which didn’t seem busy until we got in line. The line was super long, but there didn’t seem to be a ton of people throughout the store so we were able to walk around and look for things easily. I did make a purchase at Kohls, again another that I cannot say because it’s for my parents, but I can say it was a really really good deal. They had a lot of good deals so I think this is another good place to go on Black Friday. The last place we went was Target and we didn’t buy anything there but I did see some good sales there too.

Don’t mind the colors on my hand. I tried just about every color of lipstick to see which one I liked.

So, will I go Black Friday shopping this year? Probably. But to be honest, we just go for the experience. The sales are decent, but I think you really have to plan on what you are going to get when you go. If you just go to shop, and don’t know what stores you want to go to, I think that it can be really overwhelming. If you don’t like going early in the morning, you’re going to get the same deals later in the day and it’ll be less hectic. A lot of stores also keep their sales for the whole weekend, so that’s something to look out for too.

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog. Get excited for lots of holiday blogs coming up. If there is anything that you want to see, please let me know in the comments. If you liked today’s blog, sign up for email notifications, follow me on Instagram and share! As always, thank you for your support!




  1. Stacey
    December 1, 2019 / 7:06 pm

    I think cookie ideas would be fun to write open. Also, holidays traditions you can do with children would also be cute!!

    • signedashlyn
      December 5, 2019 / 3:19 am

      Those are great ideas. Thank you so much for your feedback!