Weekly Rewind #12: Lots of Birthday Celebrations

Weekly Rewind #12: Lots of Birthday Celebrations


Happy Sunday everyone!  It has been quite a bit since I did a Weekly Rewind blog, so I thought since we’re a couple weeks into 2020, it would be a good time to reflect on this past week as we move into a new one.  I hope you enjoy!


Monday started off the week great!  My friend from school came over to surprise me.  I was so excited she came and we had a lot of fun.  We made some fun food and watched the first episode of The Bachelor.  I actually blogged that day, so I will link here. Thank you for coming to visit Julia!  On Monday, I also got to hang out with my friend Haley. We went to one of my favorite cafes so it was really yummy. I’m so glad I got to see her before going back to school. 


On Tuesday, I went out with my friends Kate and Erin for Kate’s birthday.  We went out to breakfast and we went with Kate to get her cartilage pierced.  It came out so good! )I also wrote a blog about getting my cartilage pierced which I will link here.)  Luckily, my friend got it done at a really good place and it looks really nice. I’m so glad I got to spend time with them this week because I don’t get to see them much when we are all at school!


Wednesday I had to work, upload a blog and it was also my Gramma’s birthday so I stopped by her house for a little bit when I got out of work.  It was a pretty busy day but it was very productive.


Thursday was my Mom’s birthday!  I decorated the house to surprise her when she got home.  Then, I went to work and when everyone got home from school/work, we went to a really nice restaurant for dinner.  When we got home, we had chocolate cake from Gregg’s and my mom opened her presents.  

I am so thankful for my Mom and everything she does for me.  She is the absolute best. She has taught me so much throughout my life and is one of my biggest supporters.  Thank you for everything. I look up to you more than you know. Happy birthday Mom 🙂


Friday I did something super exciting that I am not going to talk about right now because I will be announcing it in Wednesdays blog…. (it’s so exciting)


Saturday I went get breakfast at a little bagel place with my sister. After that, I went to support my brother Ty at his robotics competition.  After that, we went out to eat at a restaurant that we have never been to before, which was really good.  Then, Ty and I split tiramisu for dessert. I have never had that before but wow. 10/10 would recommend.

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog.  Stay tuned for Wednesday’s blog which I am so excited to share with you.  Make sure that you sign up for email notifications when I upload so you know when the next blog is up!  Also, follow me on Instagram and share this blog! As always, thank you so much for your endless support.  Have a great week!

