A Day in the Life: College Edition

A Day in the Life: College Edition

It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for another blog! I was trying to think of an idea for this weeks Wednesday blog, and I figured I would try something new. For this blog, I am going to take you through a day at college with me. This is going to be a blog explaining an average day, but if you like these kinds of blogs, let me know and I can try doing a more specific update once a week. Enjoy!

Every morning, I get up, brush my teeth and get dressed for the gym. (I set up my clothes the night before because I am usually pretty tired). I usually wake up at around 7am for the gym. Then, I grab a granola bar to eat on my walk and start making my way there. I usually workout for about an hour. After the gym, I walk (very slowly because I am so sore) back to my dorm and get ready for my classes. Usually after I am ready, I eat a more filling breakfast before I go. Then, I start my walk to my classes. I have 2 or 3 classes depending on the day of the week.

One of the outfits I wore this week

After my classes, usually between 12 and 3 again depending on the day, it’s time for lunch and homework. Sometimes I do homework in my room and sometimes I get work done in the library. If I can, I like to do my work in the library because sometimes it’s really easy to get distracted in my room. I look at my planner and figure out what needs to be done first. I usually have a lot of reading to do for my classes, so when I look at all the books I have to read, I look something like this…

Can you relate?

But then I get my homework done and I feel a lot less stressed…

Then, I start to make a plan such as “I’m going to read the 1st and 2nd chapter before I take a break.” I usually also plan out blogs for the week during this time.

After my homework is FINALLY complete, it’s usually around dinner time because homework takes quite a long time. Everyday, I like to do one thing for relaxing and for fun. Usually the time for this is after dinner when all my work for the day is (hopefully) done. Lately, I’ve been reading books and magazines so enjoy the following picture of me reading a Good Housekeeping magazine…which I highly recommend by the way. There are some really good recipes and ways to decorate your house in there.

Don’t worry, I didn’t read the whole magazine upside down, picture purposes only

I also like to straighten up my room a little bit everyday. Sometimes that means doing laundry, taking out the trash, vacuuming the floor or just organizing my things. This way, the room never gets too messy.

Cleaning is important!

Now that I’ve exercised, gone to class, done my homework, read my magazine, it’s pretty much time to get ready for bed. I put on my pajamas and usually watch a show either on Netflix or live TV depending on the day. Depending on what show I am watching, I call my mom after to talk about it. This Is Us is one of our favorites. A new season is starting soon!

Before I go to bed, I write a list of goals for the next day on the whiteboard next to my bed so I can refer to it when I get up the next morning to make sure everything I need to get done gets done. Another thing I like to do before I go to bed is write in a journal.

I hope you enjoyed reading about a day in my life! The style of this blog was a little different than other blogs and they are really fun to write. Let me know what you think! Comment, share this blog, subscribe, follow me on Instagram. Have a wonderful second half of your week. As always thank you for reading!

