A Look Behind the Scenes at All Your Favorite Movies

A Look Behind the Scenes at All Your Favorite Movies

Hello hello. It has been a long while, I know, I know. But school has really been taking over with finals week, internships almost starting, all that fun stuff. With all that being said, I wanted to hop on here and tell you about the most fun place I went to visit a couple of weeks ago, where I learned even more about all my favorite Pixar films.

So, the Boston Museum of Science has an exhibit called The Science Behind Pixar. Growing up, I always really liked science, and I love learning about the behind the scenes of movies, so it sounded interesting. Let me tell you, this place was so cool, and had some great picture spots too.

Basically, the whole exhibit has different sections about tons of different Pixar movies. What I loved about it was it was super interactive, so you could really learn how animation works. I always find it crazy how long it takes to put together a film, but after going to this exhibit, I understand why it takes so long.

There were some sections where you could play around with camera angles, there were sections focused on lighting, there were sections about modeling and rigging. It was crazy and there was so much to see. Plus, there are plenty of things to do because the exhibit has over 50 interactive elements to play with.

One part I really liked were there were a ton of screens showing how the character Joy from Inside Out was developed in all the different stages of animation from the simple drawing to the final product. There are just so many people involved with these movies and they are all working on a very specific element of the film. For example, there was a section that showed how they developed the curls in Merida’s hair in the movie Brave. They tested out a bunch of different objects to figure out how the waves would look the most natural.

Of course, there are also some great spots for pictures at the Pixar exhibit too!

I think that a lot of times, when we watch movies, we don’t think about the behind the scenes of it, and that’s exactly what everyone who is part of the film making process wants. They don’t want you to be thinking about how they did it, they want you to be fully invested in the film and really feel it come to life. But, I think that going to places like this one and learning about how these films are made really does make you appreciate them more, and it so interesting to see how they all come together.


1 Comment

  1. Stacey
    May 4, 2021 / 11:53 pm

    Animation is a cool thing!!!