A New Discovery

A New Discovery

School has really picked up lately, and my schedule has been a little more packed than usual. It has always been important to me to workout and last year, I would go to the gym everyday. Recently, I have fallen into the trap of thinking I don’t have time to workout. I think a lot of people think this. Whether you are in high school, college or working a job, I think that a lot of times we feel like we just don’t have time to go to the gym. Going to the gym everyday is hard especially when you are busy with everything else going on. Recently, I have realized that you don’t need to go to the gym everyday to be fit. There’s a lot of different ways to stay active and I am going to share one way that I discovered.

Lately, I have been picking 3-4 days to go to the gym. On the other days, I started doing at home workouts. If you go on YouTube, there are hundreds of options. You can find full body workouts and specific workouts, like abs or upper body for example. Some of the ones I have tried are really hard and a really good workout! I love them because I can get a good workout and not even leave my room. One YouTube channel that I really like for at home workouts is Pamela Reif. She does all different types of workout videos like full body workouts, yoga and arm workouts. Another thing I like about her videos is that there is a timer on the screen and she does the workout with you, so you don’t have to worry about pausing the screen or anything. There are also breaks incorporated in the video. There are so many workout videos so you just have to keep looking until you find a style that you like. These are a really good way to stay in shape. If you are just starting to workout, they are great because a lot of them are quick workouts so you don’t have to commit hours at the gym. Or they are great if you do workout at the gym, but need something to fill in your in between days. I really like these videos and I hope you will enjoy them too!

Thank you for reading today’s blog! I hope you enjoy trying out these videos. If you liked this blog, please share and subscribe. As always, thank you for your support!




1 Comment

  1. Stacey
    November 7, 2019 / 12:42 am

    Great options instead of the gym…. thanks for sharing them!!!