Aloe Plant Facial…Gone Wrong?!?!

Aloe Plant Facial…Gone Wrong?!?!

I have seen so many things online about using aloe from an aloe plant because it has so many benefits. One of which is that it is great for your skin. I bought an aloe plant a while ago and it has grown a lot. I figured that since it has grown so much, I would try using it as a face mask to see how it works!

I cut one of the leaves off the plant and I instantly saw the aloe inside. It was super sticky and a clear color. I split the plant in half and attempted to get the aloe into a bowl. And that was when it went wrong. For some reason, I couldn’t get the aloe out of the plant. It was sticking to everything! I got a little bit out and wasn’t able to put it my face, but not nearly as much as I thought. A lot of the people I saw doing it had a lot bigger plant than I have so maybe that was why I couldn’t get as much out. So, it was off to plan b.

I used an aloe vera sheet mask! (Not quite the real thing but close). I like sheet masks because they are easy to apply and make my face feel super smooth and clean. I like doing these masks at school because I don’t have to go to the bathroom to wash my face after. All you have to do is mix the excess into your skin.

I’ve talked about these in another blog but this is another product I like to use when I am relaxing. Basically all you do is take them out of the bag, place them on your hands and there is a little piece of tap to hold them into place. You keep this on for about 15 minutes and your hands are so smooth after. I really like these because you can move around and get stuff on if you need to while you have them on.

Not every blog goes as planned and here’s a great example! I want to try the aloe plant again! But for now, I hope you enjoyed this blog about a couple of products I like to use to relax. If you did, make sure to follow me on Instagram, subscribe for emails when I upload and also share this blog! As always, thank you so much for all your support.



1 Comment

  1. Ty M
    February 8, 2020 / 3:56 pm

    Nice blog! I hope you can get the aloe out of the plant soon!!