Book Review: One of Us is Lying

Book Review: One of Us is Lying

I have been trying to read more lately, and I came across a really good book. I used to read all the time. There was always a book that I was reading. In the summer, I still do read a lot, but during the school year, it is a little harder to find the time.

One of Us is Lying is a mystery book by Karen M. McManus. This is the first book I have read of hers. I have also read the sequel to this book called One of Us is Next. They are both really good books, but if I had to pick my favorite, I would pick One of Us is Lying. Without spoiling anything, the book is about five teenagers, Browyn, Addy, Nate, Cooper and Simon. The five of them end up in detention together one day, and Simon ends up dead. The four other kids he was in detention with all become suspects. This book slowly unwinds the mystery of how Simon died, and its impact on the town.

One reason that I really like this book is because of how it is written. The point of view switches between the three students who were in detention when Simon died. I really like this style because you get to see the story unfold from different viewpoints.

I finished this book so fast because I was hooked from the beginning. If you like mysteries, you will definitely like this book. I usually don’t read a ton of mystery, but I really liked this book so I would give it a try if you don’t read a lot of mysteries like me!

The second book, One of Us is Next is more focused on a different group of kids from the same high school as the first book. But, the original characters still pop up in this book. It is also set up the same way as the first book in the sense that it is told in different points of view. This book is really good too!

I really like Karen M. McManus’s books and I would highly recommend them. To go along with this book review there is something else I would like to recommend for people who like to read. It’s an app I like to use called GoodReads. With this app, you can log the books that you have read. I like this because when people ask me for book recommendations, I can look on this app for books I have read in the past. There are also a lot of suggested books on the app, so I always have things to read. I love it!

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog! If you read either of the books I talked about today, or if you check out the GoodReads app, make sure that you let me know in the comments. Also, if you like this blog, make sure that you sign up for email notifications when I upload and follow me on Instagram. As always, thank you so much for you support!




  1. Ty M
    March 15, 2020 / 10:43 pm

    Cool Blog.

  2. Ty M
    March 15, 2020 / 10:44 pm

    Nice Blog! I hope you liked the book!!!!

  3. Stacey
    March 18, 2020 / 12:09 am

    I also use the goodread app. I find it helpful for finding the newest books as well as book titles that I may be interested in when I search my genre.

  4. Stacey
    March 18, 2020 / 12:10 am

    I also use the goodread app, I use it all the time for book ideas:)