Fall Nails, Fall Fun and the Best Apple Crisp

Fall Nails, Fall Fun and the Best Apple Crisp

Okay the title of this blog is a little all over this place…

And this blog might be a little all over the place too…

But that is a okay because today we are going to be talking about all things fall and how YOU can get into the fall spirit.

I love the activities that come along with fall. Pumpkin picking, apple picking, Thanksgiving being right around the corner (I love Thanksgiving)

One thing that I honestly don’t get into much in Fall is the creepy spooky stuff.

Don’t get me wrong, Hocus Pocus is a classic, an all time favorite, but horror movies, haunted houses, haunted hay rides, not really my thing. I guess I have never really tried them, BUT I don’t think I’m going to.

That would make a really funny blog/video though wouldn’t it???

Anyways, if you’re sad that summer is out the door and fall is upon us, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Welcome to…

Fall Nails, Fall Fun and the Best Apple Crisp

Okay so I’m gonna use some fall colors for this blog to really get in the spirit. So the first part of this title is “Fall Nails.” Honestly, I go through phases of getting my nails done. Sometimes I am super into it and I keep up with it and other times I am over it. If you are like me and not sure if you should get into it or not, DO IT. And here’s why. This is the perfect time to get into the habit of getting your nails done. You can get a fall theme for October into November and then you can get a holiday theme going in December. I feel like fall/winter seasons are the most fun time to play with your nails.

Okay now stop reading and go get your fall nails.




Okay great you’re back. Now that you’ve got your nails looking like fall, next step, do some fall activities. I chose apple picking because I think it is so much fun and I love making apple treats after…I will get into that later. Apple orchards are also a great place to take some really cute pictures for Instagram.

(Add me @signedashlyn on Instagram)

Another great thing about apple picking is the snacks that come with it. A lot of apple orchards have little markets near them where you can buy lots of treats like apple cider, apple cider donuts, and caramel apples. I tried pumpkin fudge for the first time and thought it was going to be pretty disgusting, but it turned out really great.

Okay so you’ve got your artsy nails and your apples that you picked, so now it’s time to make some apple crisp. I’m not going to lie, I am not a big apple pie girl, and typically, I think that apple crisp is okay but nothing special. The apple crisp I made with my friend Julia after apple picking turned out so so so good and it was way easier to make then I thought it would be. Make sure you have it with vanilla ice cream. 10 out of 10. I got the recipe off Pinterest and I am going to link it at the bottom of the blog. I highly recommend trying it out.

Halloween is also a big part of fall. I honestly think that I am a bigger fan of Halloween now than I was when I was younger because I love giving out treats.

(Click here to read my blog from last Halloween where I found out what kids preferred on Halloween, Candy or Snacks)

I will absolutely be doing another Halloween blog this year so be on the lookout.

Anyways, I don’t always dress up now because obviously I am getting a bit old, but I don’t think you are ever too old to dress up. I think dressing up is so fun and it can be really funny. If you are looking for a Halloween costume or idea, go on Pinterest! I also think that another really good idea is to go to Halloween and Party stores and look at the costumes for inspiration because a lot of them you can make on your own!

Halloween movies are also super fun. Like I said, horror movies aren’t really my thing, but movies like Halloween-Town and Hocus Pocus are great ones.

Pumpkin picking is still on my list of things to do for fall, but I haven’t quite gotten there yet. I am still trying to decide if I want to carve pumpkins because I think it can be really fun…except I am not very artistic at all and don’t think I can successfully carve a pumpkin.

And there you have it! Some fall activities to get you started and in the spirit. I hope that you liked this blog! I love writing blogs like this and the holiday season is one of my favorite times to blog. I have A TON of really fun ideas in the works right now so I am really excited to share them with you, but that’s all for now!



p.s. I just bought something SUPER exciting off of Amazon that I have seen all over the place. I’m going to be sharing it with you next week and I think it is going to be such a fun blog!

Apple Crisp Recipe: https://www.thechunkychef.com/old-fashioned-easy-apple-crisp/

1 Comment

  1. Stacey
    October 12, 2020 / 12:33 am

    I want to try the apple crisp!!!!