Game Changing Hair Products

I have been really playing around with hair products lately. I don’t really have a “routine” that I strictly follow, but there are some products that I have been using a lot lately. There’s one brand in particular that I want to focus on today because I use a lot of their products and I really like them. Today, I am going to share with you the products that I like to use when I want to wear my hair natural.

My favorite go to products when I want to wear my hair natural are all by the brand Not Your Mother’s. This brand has so many products for all different hair types. The products all smell so good and give your hair so much volume. These products are very affordable and they all have great reviews.

First off, I have medium/long wavy, thick hair. The first thing I do is wash my hair. If you want to learn a little more about the shampoo and conditioner I use, you can click here to read a blog all about that. After I wash my hair, I brush it out with a wet brush. Then I use the Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Texturing Sea Salt Spray. I love this stuff. It costs $4.79 and I found it at Target but you can also get it at Ulta or on Amazon. All you have to do is spray it all over your hair then scrunch your hair up to create more controlled waves. This spray is supposed to give you beachy waves and it definitely does the job.

Once I finish with the Sea Salt Spray, I use Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk Defining Cream. I use this to help enhance and hold the beachy waves. With this, you squeeze some onto the palm of your hand and just like you do with the spray, you scrunch your hair upwards. You don’t need to use a lot of this so it lasts a while. It is super easy to use! This costs $7.99 at Target.

There are couple of other products that I use from this brand that I really like too.

Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo is the best. Everyone needs to have a good dry shampoo. I have tried so many and I just couldn’t find one that I really liked. I love this dry shampoo. It works great, they have lots of different scents and they don’t leave any annoying residue on your hair. I have been using this dry shampoo for years and it is my far my favorite. I really like the clean freak one. It is also super affordable. I get it at Target for $4.79.

Another product I really like is the Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Butter Masque. This product you actually use in the shower. I don’t use this all of the time and I usually don’t use many other products with it. You basically just put it in your hair after you wash it, let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it out. It makes your hair feel really soft and smooth afterwards. For some reason I couldn’t find link from Ulta because that is where I usually get it, but it is also on Amazon for $13.12.

These products are definitely worth checking out. I love this brand and I use them almost every day.

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog. If you liked it, follow me on Instagram and subscribe to get email notifications. As always, thank you so much for your support.



1 Comment

  1. Stacey
    June 8, 2020 / 1:14 am

    Thanks for the product reviews!!!