Guess What I Got…I Need your Opinions!

Guess What I Got…I Need your Opinions!

Hello hello! First of all, I would like to say…I’M SORRY! I have not been posting regularly like I want to! I’m going be posting back on regular schedule starting today, so every Wednesday and Sunday. I have been working so, so, so much so unfortunately I have not been able to post nearly as much as I would like to, but I am going to try really hard to get back on track. Side note, I have been really focusing on my Instagram content and I have been posting on there very regularly so follow me on (@signedashlyn) for more daily content. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get into today’s blog.

So like I said I have been working a lot lately. I bought on Lenovo laptop at the very end of my senior year. It had a touch screen and the screen was really big. I really liked it!

This year (my sophomore year of college), it started to act up a bit. The screen had some display issues and the fan was pretty loud which was a bit of a problem when I was in a silent class!

The laptop was totally still working, my brother actually has it now, but I have been wanting a MacBook for a while. So I started looking into different models and starting saving up money as soon as I started working the two jobs that I have now.

After a lot of long work hours and a lot of self control, I finally saved up enough to buy myself a new computer. Now, I just had to figure out which one.

I didn’t know whether or not I wanted the MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro. The MacBook Air’s that I was looking at were a lot less expensive then the Pro’s but the pro had the touch bar which I thought was pretty cool, but let’s be honest, not totally necessary.

So, I drove to a really fancy mall with my friend and my sister to pick it up. I ended up going with the 13 inch MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. There was a promotion going on for college students with Apple that you got a free pair of AirPods when you buy any computer and this one also was $100 off.

The is me, my friend Michael and my sister Paige posing in front of my Mon’s new car after a got my computer. I thought it was cute and needed to be added to the blog.
I also saw this super cute sign at the mall and really wanted to get a picture in front of it!

The main reason I wanted to get a MacBook was because I wanted to start producing more video content which I feel like is a lot easier when you have a MacBook. I actually have quite a few Youtube videos that I wanted to post but I only ever posted one because they were pretty difficult to edit on my phone. But I did end up posting one video which is Surprising My Sister with a Trip to Disney, if you haven’t seen it you should check it out here. Anyways, I also wanted one because I like that all my devices are now very easily connected. It is a lot easier to transfer pictures from my phone to my computer to edit and things like that.

The only downside I am experiencing right now is the size. If I had all the money in the world, which I DO NOT, I would have bought the bigger computer, but they are so expensive! I have pretty awful eyesight, so having a big computer was a perk of my old laptop. This one is definitely smaller. I just learned how to make the font bigger, (shoutout to my friend Michael for showing me how to do that because I had no clue), and I can see a lot better now. If you have a MacBook, I really want to know, did you get used to the size?? Do you like the smaller size? Comment on this blog or on my newest Instagram post and let me know!!!

Overall, I really do like the computer and I hope that I will be able to produce some new content for you all with it! on the new computer!

That is it for today’s blog! Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed. ALSO, if you are here from Instagram, thank you so much for following me on my blogging journey! So many have joined over the past couple weeks or so and I am so excited! Make sure to subscribe for email notifications every time that I upload! See you on Sunday with a brand new blog.

Stay safe,




  1. Stacey
    July 9, 2020 / 1:05 pm

    I have a MacBook that is smaller than my computer I had before and I did get used to it, but it took me a few weeks:) Good luck!!!

    • July 10, 2020 / 12:39 am

      I’m definitely getting used to it more already!

  2. Ty M
    July 13, 2020 / 10:44 pm

    I hope you like your new MacBook!