Guess Who’s 21

Guess Who’s 21

You guessed it…me! On December 29th, I turned 21 and it was the best birthday ever. My parents brought me to Foxwoods and it was a day full of surprises. I am so grateful for them and the amazing day they gave me.

The day started off with a yummy breakfast that my Mom made for me. Then, I opened presents from my family. My parents got me a super super nice Samsonite suitcase. Mine is super old and broken, so I was in need of a new one for sure. My brother got me one of my favorite games. My sister got me a weekend trip to anywhere I want for inspiration to finish my book. I’m still trying to decide where I want to go!

Then, it was time to pack up and head to Foxwoods. We stayed overnight in a HUGE suite. I love going to Foxwoods because there is so much to do.

A short while after I got there, I got such an amazing birthday surprise. My uncle, his fiancé, my two little cousins and my Pepe came to surprise me. I was so excited to see them! They brought me balloons and roses and stayed at the same hotel as us. It was such a great surprise!

I shopped at the Tanger Outlets and got a brand new purse at Michael Kors for 75% off. I wear it every day already and it is so cute. After shopping, we went back to the room and got dinner. We got dinner at The Sugar Factory which is one of my favorite restaurants to go. When we got to the table, my parents surprised me with a bunch of little gifts from the gift shop like candy, a keychain, a wine glass and birthday necklaces. I’ll put a picture of it below. If you haven’t been to The Sugar Factory, they are known for their drinks and dessert. The drinks are huge and filled with candy. The Sugar Factory is one of my favorite places to go and it is always so much fun.

A Little 21st Bday Scrapbook
Me and my Mama
These are all of the treats from the gift store that my parents surprised me with
These burgers were an appetizer at The Sugar Factory
This was my drink!
This was by outfit! A jean jacket, a dress from Missguided and my sneakers from Adidas.

After dinner, I went to the casino with my Mom, Dad, Uncle and Pepe. I didn’t really get any pictures in there because I wasn’t allowed. I only played the slot machines, and I lost $50. But, my Pepe won $1,000 on the only machine that he played, which was really exciting!

My birthday was such a fun celebration! I loved all of my surprised and I can’t believe it’s over already. I can’t wait to see what this year brings.



I also vlogged my birthday, so click the video below to watch!


  1. Mike K.
    January 3, 2021 / 5:22 pm

    Happiest of birthdays, Ashlyn. Keep on pursuing your passions! Great post.

  2. Stacey
    January 3, 2021 / 9:07 pm

    Glad you had a nice birthday!!!! ❤️💕❤️

    • Michelle
      January 4, 2021 / 1:32 am

      Looks like you all had a wonderful time on your 21st Birthday. Hope to try the Sugar Factory one day. Looks yummy.