Pack with Me

Pack with Me

Packing for a trip can be overwhelming. We often feel like we don’t have enough, when in reality we have way too much. I’m going on a trip to Universal Studios in Florida and in this post, I share some of my tips when packing for vacation.

The first tip begins before you even put anything in your suitcase. What I do first is take out all the clothes I think I want to bring and put them into piles. After I split everything up into piles, I start putting outfits together. If I have any extra items after I have made all of my outfits, I put those clothes back to ensure that I am not packing more clothes than I need.

Once you have all the clothes separated that you want to bring, the next step is to roll all of your clothes and stack them in your suitcase. Rolling your clothes takes up a lot less space, and allows you to fit more than you may think.

What I have also found helpful when traveling is using reusable travel bottles. Some products you can use with these bottles are soap, shampoo and conditioner. They also have labels on the bottles so you know which bottle contains a certain product. I love using these bottles because I don’t have to spend money on travel size products and I can use the same products that I use every day at home.

Reusable Travel Bottles

When I travel, I try to bring as little makeup and hair products as possible. The only hair products I bring are dry shampoo, heat protection spray and hairspray. These products also come in travel sizes, so if you can find these, you will save even more space.

Some extra things that I like to take with me are my Polaroid camera, a portable charger and a Camelback backpack. Depending on where you are going, these things can be helpful. I love taking pictures with my Polaroid because the pictures print right away and I don’t print out a lot of the pictures that I take on my phone. Portable chargers are a good thing to have because they are compact and depending on which one you have, they can charge your phone at least one full charge. I have a Mophie portable charger and I bring it whenever I go away. The Camelbak is helpful if you go anywhere that requires a lot of walking. They have a pouch on the inside that you fill with water and you drink it out of a straw that runs through the outside of the bag. Camelbak backpacks hold a large amount of water so it should last most of the day and there are also pockets where you can carry other things like your wallet and your phone.

Camelbak Backpack

When you are going on a trip, try to pack as early as you can and only bring the things that you will need. It may even be helpful to make a list of what you want to bring. Making a list can also help when you are heading back home to make sure that you don’t forget anything. Lastly, if you are bringing a carry on bag with you, try to leave some extra space in that bag in case you buy souvenirs. Happy travels!


  1. Ty
    August 4, 2019 / 6:36 pm

    Wow! This is so helpful! Thanks!

  2. Shane Messier
    August 4, 2019 / 9:45 pm

    The camelbacks were a life saver. I heard a lot of people commenting that they should have done that, as they were purchasing a $6 drink.

  3. Stacey
    August 4, 2019 / 9:47 pm

    The Camelbak is a great idea for parents too because you can save money on purchasing drinks for their children:)