Story time: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Story time: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Today’s blog is going to be a little different than usual. I have a little story about what happened a couple of nights ago. So here is a series of unfortunate events…

The other night, I was watching One Tree Hill (for the third time don’t judge). I was watching it on my phone. After watching for a little while, I started to fall asleep and I dropped my phone. I guess it was a reflex to try to catch it, so I did and I hit my hand on my bed frame. As soon as I hit it, I could tell that I broke a nail. You know when you can just tell?? Yeah, that’s how I felt. So, naturally, I was afraid to look. Luckily, I share a room with my sister and she ran over to help me. (After laughing at me because she thought I was joking!) Turns out, I must have hit my hand just the right way. My pointer finger nail chipped really low and my ring finger nail completely came off. The entire thing. Not to be gross, but it was hanging off by the bottom. It was DISGUSTING and freaking me out. My parents helped me and my dad made me a really crafty splint kinda thing so I didn’t hit it while I was sleeping. Mind you, this was all happening pretty late at night. When I woke up the next morning, I thought it was a dream until a saw my finger all wrapped up.

This is what my Dad came up with in the middle of the night to hold the nail into place until a got to the doctor. The doctor thought it was very funny.

The next day, I had to go into the dermatologist for an emergency appointment. I had no idea what to expect because of the virus going around, and it was crazy. I had to wait outside in my car and someone came out and walked me in. No one else was allowed to go in. They were taking one person a time in the office and no one was allowed to wait in the waiting room. Everyone had to wait outside for someone to come get them.

When I got in, they basically put my broken nail back on until the new one grows underneath. Pretty gross huh. So basically, for the next month or so, I will have no nail on my ring finger. It is still pretty gross to look at but it is getting better. But I will have it all wrapped up like a mummy. It was such a weird thing to happen!

At the doctor!

When I was finished, my Mom got me Dunkin. Thanks Mom!

I got mocha in my coffee for the first time in a while and it was so good.
This is the nail that only broke a little bit. I was going to put a picture of the nail that fell off but I didn’t want to gross anyone out!

That’s my story! It was one of those super random things that makes no sense. What are the odds that I would hit my hand on the bed frame. And what are the odds that I would hit my nail just the right way. I think it was because they were so overgrown that it hit just the right spot. I cut all of them super low after this so that no other one’s broke.

I hope you enjoyed this super random story. I like to write these once in a while because it’s more personal and just a crazy, random thing that happened. Thank you so much for your endless support and I will be back on Sunday with a new blog! Stay safe!



1 Comment

  1. Ty M
    April 9, 2020 / 2:07 pm

    I hope you get better!!!