How to Navigate Virtual School

I did a blog like this a little while back when I first started doing online school.  But, now that I am pretty much all online for a second semester, I have picked up a…

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Travel Tips: From One Broke College Student to Another

Riding roller coasters, hiking through beautiful waterfalls, visiting Mickey Mouse, walking through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, zip lining over water…I miss traveling, and all the experiences that come with it. I was supposed…

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Pack with Me

Packing for a trip can be overwhelming. We often feel like we don’t have enough, when in reality we have way too much. I’m going on a trip to Universal Studios in Florida and in…

I'm getting ready to go on a trip to Florida! In this post, I talk about some packing tips and also show some of the things I must have when going on vacation.

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