Taste Test: The Burger King Impossible Whopper

Taste Test: The Burger King Impossible Whopper

I have seen a lot about Burger Kings new “Impossible Whopper.” It’s all over TV ads and social media. For those of you who don’t know, this burger is a vegan burger that they just recently came out with at Burger King. Yesterday, my friend and I decided to take a trip to Burger King to try the newest addition to the menu, and here’s what I thought.

To be completely honest, I have not been to Burger King in a while, so we ordered a regular Whopper and the Impossible Whopper so that we could compare the two. I am usually very critical of vegan food, not because it’s bad, but because I feel like it just doesn’t taste the same as the non vegan version. So, when I went to try this burger, I honestly didn’t think that it was going to taste the same and it was going to taste noticeably different than a Whopper, but I was wrong.

The Impossible Whopper is really good! The only thing that was a little different was the texture of it, which makes sense because it’s vegan, but the taste is pretty close to spot on. I really couldn’t taste much of a difference between the two. I honestly like the Impossible Whopper a little bit better because the patty is thinner, and easier to eat. It was also very simple and only came with lettuce, tomato, ketchup and mayonnaise so I really liked that too. If I were to go again, I would definitely order it.

This blog was just a short little blog that I had fun making. I hope you enjoyed my review of the Impossible Whopper! If you liked this blog, please subscribe, share and follow my Instagram which is @signedashlyn. Thank you for reading!

