Testing Out Recipes, so its Perfect for You

Testing Out Recipes, so its Perfect for You

As you already know from my past few blog posts, I have been doing a lot of baking lately. It’s something to keep busy. Most of the recipes I have tried have been a success. I have seen a lot of people make a s’mores dip and I have always wanted to try it. I liked it, but there were some changes I would do if I were to make it again. It is definitely a really fun snack to have at a party or if your just having a movie night.

This dip is super easy to make and you only need a few ingredients to make it. You need regular sized marshmallows, a bag of chocolate chips and a box of graham crackers. The graham crackers are to dip in the marshmallows and chocolate.

The first step is to pour the chocolate chips evenly on the bottom of the pan. This is the bottom layer of the dip. I used a round pan which worked well, but you can really use any pan that you have.

The next step is the marshmallow layer, and this is where I think I messed up. I put a single layer of marshmallows over the chocolate chips. I think it would have worked better if I had put more marshmallows because when it was finished, it was a lot of chocolate and not really enough marshmallows. So, if you try to make this dip, make sure the marshmallows completely cover the chocolate so you get an even amount of both.

The next thing you’re going to do is just put it in the oven. You have to keep checking in on it to make sure that the marshmallows don’t burn. I would start out putting it in the oven at 350 degrees for 5 minutes and keep checking in.

When the dip is done, the marshmallows should be a golden brown color. Then, you just break up your graham crackers and enjoy. This is really easy to make and I think it would have been even better if there were more marshmallows covering the chocolate.

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