The Weekend Getaway Scrapbook

The Weekend Getaway Scrapbook

Hello, hello! Travel blogs are my absolute FAVORITE to write, so I am so excited to share this blog with you today! If you follow my Instagram (@signedashlyn), you saw some pictures that I took on my trip. But, if you didn’t know, I went to Hinckley, New York and stayed in a beautiful house on the lake. I went with my family, which includes myself, my brother Ty, my sister Paige and my parents. I also went with my two little cousins, my uncle and his fiance, and my grandfather. We spent lots of time around the fire, enjoying the views. There was a pool right in the backyard which was super nice and we got a lot of use out of that!

There was a really cool balcony off of the house where you could see the whole backyard and the lake out in the distance. Here are some pictures I took from the balcony.

Of course, we had to stop for some super yummy ice cream. We went to Ward’s Drive In which is located in Remsen, New York. My sister and I had to get some pictures.

Like I mentioned earlier, the pool was an amazing thing to have in the house! We spent a lot of time swimming, floating and seeing who could do the best dives.

We were super lucky and had access to a golf cart for the trip. I don’t know why but golf carts are just so fun to drive around and I had so much driving around with my brother and sister.

The view was so beautiful! There were three chairs at the far end of the yard where you could see the lake, the mountains and the trees. This was another one of my favorite spots.

We played lots and lots of games over the weekend. We played outdoor games like corn hole and Kanjam. I also learned how to play a card game called Five Crowns which I was really, really bad at when I started, but I pulled it together!

Fishing was a big part of this trip! To be honest, I’m not a big fishing fan, but it was pretty fun, even though I didn’t catch any fish! My Dad caught a ton of fish, and my sister, brother and uncle got some good ones too. Maybe I’ll get something next time!

And to wrap up this blog, a few more pictures!

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog! I hope you enjoyed! If you liked it, subscribe for email notifications when I upload and follow me on Instagram! As always, thank you so much for your support!




  1. Ty
    June 28, 2020 / 2:02 am

    The trip was really fun!!

  2. Stacey
    July 1, 2020 / 2:49 pm

    Great pics… those views were amazing!!!