These No Heat Curls Actually Work

These No Heat Curls Actually Work

I have seen this trend A LOT! But, I wanted to try it a couple of times before I shared the results with you. I always jump on ways to curl my hair without heat. So, when I saw a trend going around on how to curl your hair with a robe tie, I really wanted to try it. So today, I am going to share with you how I do it and the results.

The first step, obviously, is to find a robe tie. Mine is really, really long so it is a little bit hard to tie it off at the bottom because my hair is not that long, but it works. One you have your robe tie, place it evenly on the top of your head like the picture below.

Make sure that the tie is placed pretty evenly on each half of your hair

I have tried these curls a few different ways because everyone seemed to do it differently. I’m going to share the way that I find works best for me. Basically, you’re just twisting your hair around the tie, and adding hair each time, like a french braid. Start with a small strand of hair and wrap it around the tie. Then, add more hair to your original strand and wrap that around the tie. You just add more hair each time and wrap. As you are wrapping, try to keep the hair as tight as you can. When you get to the bottom and have no more hair to wrap, tie it off with an elastic and repeat this process on the other side. Keep in mind that when you tie your hair at the bottom, the “braid” is going to loosen a little bit, but don’t worry that’s okay!

This is what it should look like as you are wrapping
This is something like what it should look like when you are done

Now, just sleep on it. It’s pretty comfortable to sleep on and it doesn’t bother me at all. When you wake up, gently unwrap the curls.

This is what my hair looked like before the curls
This is what my hair looked like after the robe curls

I really like how these curls look. I would hairspray them as soon as you take them out. Usually, when I curl my hair with a curling wand, the curls last until I wash my hair. With these curls, they don’t last as long. They usually last about a day and then they start to loosen. But still, I think that this technique creates really nice curls without the damaging heat. I would recommend them for sure

Thank you so so much for reading today’s blog! I hope you liked it! If you didn’t read my last blog where I surprise my sister with a trip to Disney, click here to check it out. I am also going to link my YouTube channel below if you want to subscribe! I am going to try to start including more videos with my blogs. As always, thank you so much for your support!


