Thinking about dying your hair? Here’s what you need to know

Thinking about dying your hair?  Here’s what you need to know

Okay so, I have dyed my hair more than I’d like to admit.  But here’s the thing, sometimes you want to change things up, but you don’t want to cut it.  So what do you do?  Dye your hair.  I have had my hair pretty blonde in the past, and recently I have gotten it dyed black.  I have learned some pros and cons to each color and I’m going to tell you what my tips are if you are thinking of changing it up!  Here we go…

Where I started

My hair is naturally brown.  I like having brown hair, but in  high school, I wanted to go lighter.  I knew I didn’t want to dye the entire thing, but I wanted to do some of it.  So I decided to get highlights done. 

What you need to know about blonde hair

Blonde hair is really cute and I think that anyone can pull off highlights.  They are very simple and a great place to start before going fully blonde.  If you are starting out with pretty dark hair like mine, it is likely that you will have to go to a few hair appointments and go lighter over time.  So, if you are planning on going lighter, plan on going a little bit at a time so it is safer for your hair.  The other thing about going lighter with darker hair is that you will probably have to get it done every few months to keep it looking nice and fill in the roots.

Another thing to keep in mind if you are going lighter is that you will need to invest in some purple shampoo to prevent your hair from looking brassy.  I used it about once a week.  My favorite brands of purple shampoo are Nexxus and Shimmering Lights.  The good news is that purple shampoo is not super expensive and it will last you a long time because you don’t need to use it every time that you wash your hair.

I really liked having blonde highlights because it added a lot to my hair, but looked natural at the same time.  I thought it was so cute and fun.

Here are the biggest downfalls to blonde hair:

  1. Having to buy purple shampoo
  2. Can be difficult to maintain
  3. Can take a while to get the color you want
  4. Have to get it touched up often
  5. Have to bleach your hair

Where I am now

Recently, I got my hair done black.  To be honest, I was extremely nervous about it for a few reasons.  The first was that I have never dyed my whole head before and the other was that I have had lighter hair for so long, I was nervous about what darker hair would look like on me.  Here’s how that went…

Box Dye

So before I got my hair done professionally, I used temporary box dye to see what it would look like.  My sister did it and she did a really good job.  I actually think that box dying your hair is not a bad option if you want to get a feel for what your hair will look darker without making the commitment.  Now, keep in mind, it may not come out perfect, but I was pretty impressed with my results. 

Getting it done…for real

Since I loved how my hair looked with the box dye, I made an appointment a couple weeks later to get in done for real.  I don’t wash my hair super often, and I found that the box dye was already washing out really fast.  I went to my hair appointment, got my hair dyed fully black, and I was in love. 

I don’t really have any big downfalls to going darker other than having to get it redone every few months, but that happens with any color.

So what to do??? Blonder or darker?

Here’s the thing…if you are set on getting your hair one way or the other, go with whatever you want to do.  If you are stuck and could go both ways, I recommend going darker because it is so much easier to maintain and it’s not as bad for your hair because you don’t have to bleach it.  But in the long run, it is up to you and however you feel the most confident!  As for me, I think I will be keeping the dark hair around for a while.

I hope that this blog helped you out if you are thinking about dying your hair! See ya in the next one!



p.s. Any other bloggers out there? I am having a really hard time uploading some of my pictures to the blogs. It says that the size is wrong. If you know how to fix this let me know in the comments!

1 Comment

  1. Ty M
    October 4, 2020 / 4:36 pm

    Nice blog ashlyn!!!!