You’ll Never Guess Who Came to our Family Dinner

You’ll Never Guess Who Came to our Family Dinner

My family and I have been trying to think of fun things to do while we are at home. I was looking through Tik Tok and I saw a lot of people doing themed dinners. If you haven’t seen these, basically everyone chooses someone to dress up as. For our themed dinner, everyone dressed up as a celebrity or TV/movie character. Once we were dressed, we all guessed who each other was. Here’s how it went.

First up is my brother Ty. He dressed up as the Prison Mike character Michael Scott plays from The Office. He loves The Office so this outfit was perfect for him.

I thought my moms outfit was so cute! She dressed up as Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory. I started looking through pictures of this character online because I have only seen a few episodes of The Big Band Theory, and when I saw pictures of Amy Farrah Fowler, it was obvious that this outfit was pretty spot on.

As my family predicted, my sister Paige dressed up like Kylie Jenner. I think she did such a good job. Paige is very good at makeup so this was perfect for her. She whipped out her fake eyelashes and everything.

I am sure you can guess who my dad dressed up as. He dressed up as Rob Gronkowski. He wore a Patriots jersey and of course had to add his Superbowl hat.

Lastly, I dressed up as Gabriella from High School Musical. I thought of the red dress from the end of the first movie right away. I added my graduation gown to make it easier to guess.

This was super fun and I would highly recommend trying it. You can just use clothes that you already have and get creative. This was a different thing to do to keep us busy in quarantine. We want to do more themed dinners, so if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments!!!

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog! I hope that you enjoyed seeing how we dressed up for dinner. If you did, make sure to sign up for email notifications when I upload and follow me on Instagram! As always, thank you so much for your support. Stay safe!




  1. Stacey
    April 13, 2020 / 7:04 pm

    That was easy and fun to do!!

  2. Ty M
    April 17, 2020 / 10:11 pm

    That prison mike outfit looks really cool!