I’m Back…After a crazy week

I’m Back…After a crazy week

It has been quite a week! I missed last Wednesday’s post because I had a ton of homework to do and I had my first accounting exam that I had to study for. (For anyone that knows me, math is not my strong suit…at all). So, studying for accounting was quite the time commitment. I haven’t gotten my grade back yet but fingers crossed I did okay. It was pretty hard. Anyways a few days later, I got a HORRIBLE cough and was pretty much only out of my bed to get food, if that. It took a lot out of me. Then the cough started to get better but now I sneeze every five seconds! I don’t know what is going on. But, beings sick and being trampled with homework made me have to take a little break from the blog, since I was sleeping most of the day trying to get better. I am feeling a little bit better today so I wanted to jump on here and give you all a little update to what’s been going on.

I do have lots of blog ideas coming in the next month so stay tuned for that. School has been crazy busy. I recently realized that I can graduate a year early (so next year) and I am going to be applying for an accelerated graduate program so I will be able to graduate in 4 years with a Master’s in Communications (hopefully). On top of figuring that out, I have been on the internship hunt because I’d like to get one in the summer where I won’t have to worry about taking classes at the same time.

One thing I have been trying to do lately, before I got sick was go to the gym regularly. I was actually doing really well with it so I cannot wait to get better and start going back every day again. Once I start going again, I will post a blog about some of the workouts that I do.

Lastly, since I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed, I have had a lot of time to catch up/start some shows. This is Us has been so so good lately. If you don’t watch it you should! Manifest has also been really really good. I have been keeping up with the Bachelor. It’s almost done! I’ll keep my opinions to myself on that for now. Maybe I’ll do a Bachelor review…that would be funny. On Netflix, I started watching Love is Blind which is so stupid but so entertaining. If you like reality shows like the Bachelor you would like this show too.

I hope you enjoyed this little catch up with me blog. Hopefully within the next few days, I will get better and we will be back to our regular scheduled programming. Follow me on Instagram and subscribe to get emails when I upload! As always, thank you so much for your support!





  1. Roberta
    February 27, 2020 / 11:25 am

    Feel better Ashlyn! So much stuff going around.

    • March 2, 2020 / 3:41 am

      I know!! Thank you, I’m feeling much better finally!

  2. Ty M
    February 28, 2020 / 9:30 pm

    Nice blog! I hope you feel better!

    • March 2, 2020 / 3:41 am

      Thank you so much! I’m feeling better now!