Living in fear…of what exactly?

Living in fear…of what exactly?

Everyday, we wake up with a series of decisions before us. We live each day making decisions that we feel are the best ones for us. We make small ones, like “”what am I going to wear today?” or “what am I going to eat for breakfast?” “How am I going to spend today?”

Then sometimes, we find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to go, for the bigger decisions of our lives.

“Should I tell this person how I feel about them?”

But what if they don’t like me back?

“I want to go on this trip.”

But I really don’t have the time.

And possibly, the most challenging, daunting question of all.

“What do I want to spend my life doing?”

To which my own personal answer is “I want to write. I want to tell stories.”

But what if I’m not good enough?

It’s normal to have doubts, to have fears, we all do. But we can’t live life focused on the fears. We have to acknowledge that they are there, and then push them so far away that we can’t see them anymore. Because in the end, our fears should just drive us forward, not hold us back. Shove the “what ifs” and the “buts” out the door. Ask the boy or girl out, say yes to the adventure, pour everything into your dream because you are good enough. People do it, so why can’t that person be you? Hearing “no” is a part of life, and you may hear a lot of them and that’s okay. Don’t let a no shut you down, but let it wake you up instead.

Thank you so much for reading this. It was a lot different then what I usually post. I made lots of videos to go along with this. There’s one on my YouTube, on my Instagram reels @signedashlyn and on my TikTok @ashlynmessier. I would love if you could watch them and if you like them, share them! I had so much fun making them. I posted the YouTube one below. Thank you so much!


