What to do When Stuck Inside

What to do When Stuck Inside

It is hard to be stuck inside all day. It has really made me think about how much we take for granted every day. Going out with friends, sitting at a restaurant, going to the gym. But just because we are stuck inside doesn’t mean we can’t be productive and make the most of each day. Here’s some things that I have been doing to keep myself busy.

Try New Foods

I have been trying to make lots of new foods lately. If you read my last blog, I shared my recipe for making acai bowls. Baking/cooking are great ways to pass the time and try new things. My go to for finding new recipes is Pinterest. I have tried quite a few recipes lately that I want to share with you all so stay tuned for future blogs!

If you haven’t read my last blog, click here to read about how I make yummy acai bowls from home.

Workout… a lot

Workout videos are a great way to stay in shape, especially when the gym is not an option. I’ve talked about her before in past blogs, but my favorite workout videos are Pamela Reif’s. She has so many different types of workouts for all different levels. On her Instagram (pamela_rf), she posts routines and shows which videos you can do together each day to create the best workout. Also, she recently started adding live stream videos which I think is a great idea. I love these because they are more personal and a different workout. Another thing I like about these videos is that she does the workout with you and there is a timer on the screen with the name of the workout so you know when to switch to the next thing. I highly, highly, highly recommend watching Pamela’s workout videos if you are looking for a way to stay active. I will link her Youtube channel to the bottom of this blog.

Play Cards and Board Games

My family has been playing lots of card games lately. Some of our favorites are Uno, High Low Jack (which I am still learning) and Rummy 500. I love learning new card games and obviously all you need is a deck of cards so you can play pretty much anywhere.

Catch Up (or start) New TV Shows

I try not to watch a lot of TV, but sometimes, it is a nice break. If you are looking for some new shows to watch, here are some of my recommendations.

Netflix: Schitt’s Creek, Love is Blind, Riverdale, The Office, Glee, The 100, Jane the Virgin, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, Reign

Hulu: One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights, This is Us, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, Modern Family

Binge Watch a Movie Series

On the topic of TV, watching movie series is also a fun thing to do. There are so many, and maybe its been a while since you’ve watched, or maybe you’ve always wanted to watch. Here are some of my favorite movie series.

-Marvel (Iron Man, Spider Man, Thor, Captain America etc.)

-Harry Potter

-The Twilight Saga

-Hunger Games





-Mission Impossible

-Jurassic Park

We have been watching all the Marvel movies in chronological order. There are 23 of them so it’s going to take us a while!

Make a List and Fill in your Calendar

Making a list each morning helps you feel productive. Even if you just write little things like “make my bed” or “read.” Writing things down and crossing them off make you feel like you are getting things done.

I think that I have talked about this before but I love my gratitude journal. You fill it out every morning and you write things you are thankful for, 3 goals for the day, a to-do list, a schedule, what you did for exercise and your meals. There is also a spot for a little sketch. I love this journal and it keeps me organized.

Get Dressed, Get Ready

Even if you’re not going out, stay in the habit of getting dressed and getting ready for the day. I always feel more productive when I am ready, rather than being in my pj’s all day. (Which is completely okay to do once in a while btw. We all have those days).

Teach Yourself Something New

This could be anything…literally anything. Learn an instrument, learn sign language, learn a TikTok dance (which is wayyy harder than I thought). Just keep yourself busy by leaning some new skills.

Thank you so much for reading today’s blog. I hope that you can use some of these ideas to keep you busy. This is a crazy, unheard of time for all of us, and things will hopefully get back to normal soon. Until then, we can just do the best we can. If you liked these ideas, subscirbe to get email notifications when I upload! Also follow me on Instagram (@signedashlyn) for more from me! As always, thank you for your endless support!



Link to Pamela Reif’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PamelaRf1



  1. Ty M
    March 26, 2020 / 11:05 pm

    Woah! Those pictures look really good! I wonder who took them!

  2. Stacey
    April 8, 2020 / 11:38 pm

    That was a fun blog to read during crazy times! You gave me some ideas of what I can do:)