Heading to Nashville, Tennessee? Where to stay, what to do and spots to hit downtown 

Are you taking a trip to Nashville, Tennessee? Here are some things to know before you go.

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What I’ve Learned from Two Years of Blogging

Signedashlyn is two! It’s crazy and hard to believe that I started this blog two whole years ago. Last year, I did a post called “What I Learned in 1 Year of Blogging,” and that…

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Tips and Tricks for Instagram Pics

First of all, I’m prefacing this blog by saying post whatever YOU feel confident posting on Instagram!  All of your pictures don’t need to look super planned out.  I personally like to keep my Instagram…

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Living in fear…of what exactly?

Everyday, we wake up with a series of decisions before us. We live each day making decisions that we feel are the best ones for us. We make small ones, like “”what am I going…

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Want to Live on The Edge?

Have you ever wanted to be daring and live on the edge?  If this sounds like you, you should definitely check out The Edge.  The Edge is the perfect place to hang out with friends,…

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Lessons I Wish Someone Told Me in College

Happy happy Friday everyone! You made it to the weekend! Give yourself a break, go get yourself a coffee, sit back and watch an episode of your favorite show, you deserve it. Anyways, we are…

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Holiday Gift Guide #1: The Technology Lover

Alright everyone here we go.  It’s officially Christmas season…which is CRAZY because this year flew by, but also really exciting.  I have never done a gift guide, but I think they are so fun to…

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Learning to Put Yourself First

We’re taking a bit of a segway here from the regular scheduled content… As you know, I LOVE writing about my latest travel adventures and my favorite new recipes, BUT I want to take a…

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Halloween in the Year of COVID

So, I know that I was very interested in what Halloween was going to look like this year. I had no idea if people were going to dress up, or if kids were going to…

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Story time: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Today’s blog is going to be a little different than usual. I have a little story about what happened a couple of nights ago. So here is a series of unfortunate events… The other night,…

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